Last May we shared one of our most popular posts on ParkChasers.com: “15 National Park Instagram Accounts to Follow.” We heard your requests and are ready to share our new favorites!
Instagram has become our National Park insta-vacation this winter. We love to scroll through the stunning sunsets and hiking candids. During the 2016 Centennial year, more national park units adopted the social media platform than ever before. The National Park Service is using Instagram to highlight visitors and share park updates. It’s a great place to stay connected with your favorite parks.
When we posted back in May, more than 1 million posts included the hashtag #nationalpark. That number is now 2.1 million. #findyourpark went from 250,000 to more than 700k. You’ll love opening the app for a quick virtual get-away in the middle of the day.
While we’re still faithful fans of the original 15 instagram accounts, today we’re sharing 15 more national park instagram accounts you should add to your feed right now. And while you’re adding these, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram: @ParkChasers
15 More National Park Instagram Accounts to Follow
1. @usinterior
2. @yosemitenps
A video posted by Yosemite National Park (@yosemitenps) on
3. @nationalmallnps
Centennial celebration photo taken by @flipflopcaravan #findyourpark #nationalmallnps #nps100
A photo posted by National Mall & Memorial Parks (@nationalmallnps) on
4. @grandtetonnps
A photo posted by Grand Teton National Park (@grandtetonnps) on
5. @rockynps
A photo posted by Rocky Mountain National Park (@rockynps) on
6. @lakeclarknps
A photo posted by Lake Clark Nat Park & Preserve (@lakeclarknps) on
7. @bigbendnps
A photo posted by Big Bend National Park (@bigbendnps) on
8. @harrystrumannps
9. @statueellisnps
A photo posted by Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island (@statueellisnps) on
10. @zionnps
A photo posted by Zion National Park (@zionnps) on
11. @fort.stanwix.nps
12. @yellowstonenps
A video posted by Yellowstone National Park (@yellowstonenps) on
13. @joshuatreenps
A photo posted by Joshua Tree National Park (@joshuatreenps) on
14. @mountrainiernps
A photo posted by Mount Rainier National Park (@mountrainiernps) on
15. @olympicnationalpark
A photo posted by Olympic National Park (@olympicnationalpark) on
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